Together with 100 guests from all over the world from the printing industry, Patrik Knutsson from Tangerin AS, the founder of™, was invited to a three-day meeting in lovely Copenhagen, Denmark.
This was a great venue to discuss the current status and future of our industry. Innovation, technology, online print, marketing ++. All with people with the best global knowledge and experience, and all under the wonderful hospitality of the entire Inkish family.
Trykkverk AS participating Grafkom´s Print Next 22
Finally, the largest Nordic network meeting for the graphic industry after the pandemic. And Stockholm was a great place to exchange knowledge and do business. Well-executed event, exciting topics and many good speakers. But we encourage more Norwegian print service providers to join next year. Do not miss this opportunity!
Tangerin AS – Just another fruit company?
If you are wondering where the name of the company Tangerin comes from, then it is taken from the color “Tangerine red” on our beloved Land Rover Defender Adventure model G4. Beautiful red-orange color called Tangerine Tango, which by the way Pantone chose as the color of the year in 2012.