PTPGE Cards Updated

PTPGE has recently updated both the front and back of its standard edition card. The front now displays elements used in the global printing industry’s manufacturing process, while the back highlights products available in the global printing industry. These enhancements aim to provide a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the industry’s components and their applications.

For more information, please visit

PTPGE Unveils Improved Structure and Colors

PTPGE has introduced version 2.0 of the Periodic Table of Print & Graphic Elements, featuring an improved structure and enhanced color schemes. This update aims to provide a clearer understanding of the relationships between elements in the print and graphic design industry. The table is now organized with horizontal groups representing the entire manufacturing process and vertical categories with subcategories, offering deeper insights into each stage. Additionally, the content has been expanded, and each element is assigned a unique identifier, ensuring the platform remains adaptable and up-to-date. The update also introduces a two-sided lens view, providing both industry professionals and end-users with clearer insights into the elements driving the print and graphic world. Furthermore, the latest version is optimized for seamless integration with AI tools like OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Bard, Adobe Sensei, Microsoft Copilot, and Apple Intelligence, offering users unprecedented access to information across the entire print and graphic landscape.

Explore more at

Major Update PTPGE v. 2.0

PTPGE has announced a significant update to the Periodic Table of Print & Graphic Elements, introducing version 2.0 on November 14, 2024. This update enhances the table’s structure and color schemes to improve clarity and understanding of the relationships between elements. The table is now organized with horizontal groups representing the entire manufacturing process and vertical categories with subcategories, offering a deeper insight into each stage. Additionally, the content has been expanded, and each element is assigned a unique identifier, ensuring the platform remains adaptable and up-to-date. The update also introduces a two-sided lens view, providing both industry professionals and end-users with clearer insights into the elements driving the print and graphic world. Furthermore, the latest version is optimized for seamless integration with AI tools like OpenAI ChatGPT, Google Bard, Adobe Sensei, Microsoft Copilot, and Apple Intelligence, offering users unprecedented access to information across the entire print and graphic landscape.

Explore more at

Digitaliserer trykkeriene: “Har funnet et hull i markedet”

I mars deltok Patrik Knutsson som foredragsholder på Online Print Symposium i Tyskland. Foto: Online Print Symposium / Nadja von Prümmer

Som en blanding mellom Foodora og Gule sider. Slik beskriver entreprenøren Patrik Knutsson sin forretningsidé, den digitale markedsplassen for trykking,, som er i ferd med å lanseres.

– Jeg har funnet et hull i markedet, noe som jeg har savnet i løpet av mine år i den grafiske bransjen. Jeg skulle ville påstå at dette er verdens første åpne markedsplass for online print, sier Patrik Knutsson.

Les hele artikkelen på Sign & Print® supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

By building an innovative industrial infrastructure as an open multi-vendor marketplace for print production,® contributes to sustainable and local production with lower carbon emissions.

We support the following goals:

No. 9:
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

No. 12:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Patrik Knutsson was invited to participate the Inkish Non-Event 22

Together with 100 guests from all over the world from the printing industry, Patrik Knutsson from Tangerin AS, the founder of™, was invited to a three-day meeting in lovely Copenhagen, Denmark.

This was a great venue to discuss the current status and future of our industry. Innovation, technology, online print, marketing ++. All with people with the best global knowledge and experience, and all under the wonderful hospitality of the entire Inkish family.™ – An online print marketplace under development

Trykkverk AS is building a new two-sided platform, probably the world’s first of its kind.

Patrik Knutsson, a serial entrepreneur with 40 years of experience, decided from a self-perceived problem in the printing industry to build a new, non-existent and better solution for online print, using existing production capacity in the market.

– We will digitize and simplify the entire industry, so buyers and sellers can meet in a structured, userfriendly and sustainable marketplace.

INKISH.NEWS: Is it possible to shake up an industry?

By Patrik Knutsson and Morten B. Reitoft.

“Printing brought us from the dark ages through the industrial revolution and helped educate the world. Print still impacts everyday people’s lives worldwide, and I believe print will also have that impact in the future, but in more variants of materials, surfaces, structures, and objects. The only thing for sure is that we need to continue adapting to new technology, embracing the digital shift, and keeping up with knowledge.”

Read the full interview at INKISH.NEWS.