Digitaliserer trykkeriene: “Har funnet et hull i markedet”

I mars deltok Patrik Knutsson som foredragsholder på Online Print Symposium i Tyskland. Foto: Online Print Symposium / Nadja von Prümmer

Som en blanding mellom Foodora og Gule sider. Slik beskriver entreprenøren Patrik Knutsson sin forretningsidé, den digitale markedsplassen for trykking,, som er i ferd med å lanseres.

– Jeg har funnet et hull i markedet, noe som jeg har savnet i løpet av mine år i den grafiske bransjen. Jeg skulle ville påstå at dette er verdens første åpne markedsplass for online print, sier Patrik Knutsson.

Les hele artikkelen på Sign & Print® supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals

By building an innovative industrial infrastructure as an open multi-vendor marketplace for print production,® contributes to sustainable and local production with lower carbon emissions.

We support the following goals:

No. 9:
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

No. 12:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Patrik Knutsson was invited to participate the Inkish Non-Event 22

Together with 100 guests from all over the world from the printing industry, Patrik Knutsson from Tangerin AS, the founder of™, was invited to a three-day meeting in lovely Copenhagen, Denmark.

This was a great venue to discuss the current status and future of our industry. Innovation, technology, online print, marketing ++. All with people with the best global knowledge and experience, and all under the wonderful hospitality of the entire Inkish family.™ – An online print marketplace under development

Trykkverk AS is building a new two-sided platform, probably the world’s first of its kind.

Patrik Knutsson, a serial entrepreneur with 40 years of experience, decided from a self-perceived problem in the printing industry to build a new, non-existent and better solution for online print, using existing production capacity in the market.

– We will digitize and simplify the entire industry, so buyers and sellers can meet in a structured, userfriendly and sustainable marketplace.